Matooma, M2M’s expert from Montpellier, maximizes its presence at the Barcelona event.

The Mobile World Congress, which took place from February 26 to March 1 2018 in Barcelona, welcomed no fewer than 159 French companies. 48 of these societies came from our region: Occitanie. Recap of our experience at the world's largest mobile exhibition.
This exceptional event was for us a unique opportunity to take advantage of the reputation of the exhibition to develop our visibility, and present our connectivity offers in one of the most important meeting about connected objects.
The Mobile World Congress was also an opportunity for Matooma to strengthen its presence in the Spanish market and to highlight its M2M solutions with multi-operator SIM cards.
"We are not coming here just to create contacts, explains Frédéric Salles, we have just concluded partnerships and we are taking the opportunity to see our suppliers, who are also there. We have prepared our agendas beforehand, with an appointment per hour for three days. "
The show was filled with events for Matooma: networking meetings, interviews with digital giants such as Vodafone, Samsung and Apple, press interviews with Spanish media...
Frédéric Salles, CEO at Matooma and Mounir Mahjoubi, French Secretary of State, in charge of digital
Our stay was also the opportunity to receive the visit of the French Secretary of State in charge of Digital, Mounir Mahjoubi, accompanied by the Ambassador of France in Spain, Yves Saint-Geours, on our stand located in the Business France’s space. Despite their very busy schedule, they spent about ten minutes talking with Frederic Salles, President of Matooma, about our adventure, our evolution and our activity.

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