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Connectivity solutions for construction and real estate professionals

Your company provides security solutions for construction and real estate professionals.

Your solutions are alarms, surveillance cameras, infrared detectors, access controls or sensors for monitoring sites, vacant properties or scaffolding.

Looking for a reliable connectivity solution for your security equipment? Our M2M solutions will meet all your needs.

Main issues encountered by the company

  • Provides reliable connectivity in all situations

  • Avoids fluctuating billing

  • An adapted M2M offer for very large data volumes (> 100Gb) & video surveillance applications


M2M solutions offered by Matooma

  • Offers the company a multi-operator M2M SIM card. The multi-operator card allows access to the different local telecoms networks for every type of use across all technologies (2G, 3G, 4G). In the event of a failure or interruption on the main network, the card will search for the second best GSM network available. 

  • Access to M2M solutions with unlimited subscription to avoid overpaying for very high volume applications

  • Access to the M2MManager management platform to allow the company to manage its stock of SIM cards.


Results achieved

  • The company has a single contact person to provide multi-operator communication solutions at fixed rates. 

  • The M2MManager platform gives the company global supervision of its centres whatever telecommunications operators are chosen (choice of single-operator or multi-operator cards according to needs).

  • The company receives a single pooled monthly invoice.


Focus on the assets security market

Connected devices are making great headway in the field of security equipment, making it possible to easily manage facilities via telecommunications networks (GPRS/3G/4G/GSM). Our multi-operator SIM card which scans the networks to remain connected at all times is perfect for these situations.
In the lone worker protection market, the trend is towards toughened dual-SIM smartphones running Android or with a proprietary OS, now fully compatible with the latest version of our SIM, which regularly checks the GPRS/3G connection, as well as GSM.

In the video-surveillance market, the connection of remote or temporary sites using 3G/4G routers is also currently booming.

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